Healthy, Saftey Environment

Our policies and procedures support its stated aim of acting with integrity in all aspects of its operations to ensure the highest of ethical standards.
As an important part of implementing HSE policies, we have developed a health and safety training programme for our offices. Through this program, we expect to have a representative in each region who is in Occupational Safety and Health standards.
We are also in the process of deploying an online health, safety and environmental compliance tool which is designed to give our employees direct access to information and guidance on meeting the local legislation that is relevant to their operations.
In January 2014, we commenced running a health, safety and environmental awareness and training program for all our staff across the country covering topics such as Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH), serious and imminent danger and manual handling. The aim is to help support, encourage and empower staff with health, safety and environmental compliance and help develop best practices; it will also provide an effective overview of the effectiveness of the HSE management system.